Fitted Tuxedo Shirts

Fitted Tuxedo Shirts

Fitted Tuxedo Shirts

The first, and probably biggest difference between the newer fitted tuxedo shirts and the older standard tuxedo shirts is…well, the fit! Fitted tuxedo shirts are tapered more in the chest, waist, and arms area, whereas the standard tuxedo shirts tend to be roomier in all three of those areas. Depending on who you are and what kind of build you have, this can either be a good or a bad thing. If you have a slimmer, more athletic body, a fitted shirt would definitely work with your physique. However, if you are carrying extra weight around your middle, chest and arms, then a standard tuxedo shirt will work better with your body.

The typical fitted tuxedo shirt also lacks the pleats that the more classic, standard tuxedo shirts usually have. Pleats are the folds of fabric that vertically adorn the center of the tuxedo shirt, on either side of the buttons. Modern formal-wear styles tend to leave the pleats out, and therefore a lot of fitted tuxedo shirts, which are more in style right now, do not have them. According to Tuxedo Fashions, “flat-front shirts are good for a night out or casual use, as opposed to pleated.”

Modern Tuxedo Fitted Shirts

The modern fitted tuxedo shirt is definitely more favorable than the older standard-fit, pleated shirts. However, the classic shirts do have a couple things on their side. The classic pleated tuxedo shirt will typically cost less to rent or buy than their more trendy, pleat-less counterparts. Pleated tuxedo shirts also hold a more formal, less casual look than the pleat-less ones…. Without a jacket, one might think that someone with a pleat-less fitted shirt on is just wearing a suit shirt. But there’s no written rule on what shirt you have to get when you are completing your formal look. Again, different shirts will look better with different body types and tuxedo styles.